Poor Sneezy! He is freezing, but every time he tries to get warm, he melts!
The different projects that we do are just plain fun and the students
love to make them, but they are always helping with learning.
This set of three circles placed one on top of the other, helped the students
experience 'perspective'.....they are looking down on Sneezy as he melts,
and he is looking up at them!
The projects are also allowing the students to work on their fine motor
skills. This time, the students were asked to make small back and forth movements
with their crayons as they went around each circle. From the three examples
that I am showing, you can see that this was not easily accomplished by all.
That just means that their little wrists are in need of more work to
strengthen them. We will continue to find ways to work those muscles!
They loved the project! They loved Sneezy!
Every morning since the students came back from Christmas holidays
they are met with a task at their tabletops. This one was interesting
because it was meant to worked on as a small group. Each table had a set of snowmen.
Each snowman had a word and when the words were moved about
they made a sentence. It was a challenge for some. Fun and learning
go hand in hand. Challenges make little brains grow!
Another reading strategy was introduced this week.
The students are being introduced to the many ways that vowels
make the long sound (that is to say...they say their own name in the word)
The strategy is that if one vowel sound (usually the short one) does not
sound right, flip it to the other sound that the vowel can make.
Some of the practise that was done for the 'Magic' E!
Our last student sharing the 'group' he belongs to.
As each student shared, I took a picture of them and those
photos are now on a GROUPS bulletin board.
The majority of the students brought something that
showed that they belonged to a sports group, but
there were collector, music and Catholic groups as well.
We recognized that we all belong to a class in a school,
and that we all are born in Canada so we belong to a country group as well.
This ties in so well to our next unit of in Social Studies.
Thank you so much parents for helping your littles bring in something to share.
They were so proud!

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