Saturday 3 October 2020

Everyday we're learning something new!

Remember last week when  it seemed like we were painting every day?
Here are the results of the work we were doing related to the story by Kevin
Henkes called ' Wemberly Worried.'  The main character in the story
is worried about everything and it offered our class to discuss what we
might be worried about.  It also helped these littles know that everyone
has a worry about something.
Before the class took off to run around the large play field behind the 
school, they gathered (socially distanced for the photo) to give
a big cheer for Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope.
There they go....
Pete the Cat is still part of of learning lives.
This week the story of Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons,
gave us a chance to look at the way that numbers can be counted in two ways,
getting bigger and getting smaller, as well as explore how words rhyme.

Although the students can't move around the classroom in the same manner
that they would have been able to do last school year, I firmly believe
that using materials to assist with learning is necessary.  I have created
10 smaller work boxes that two students can share and complete the
activity together.  Usually larger work boxes would be shared with up to 
6 students.  By having only two students working together, I can attempt
to lessen the contact and possible spread of anything.

The activities are related to both literacy and numeracy task appropriate
for the beginning of the school year.
The students know 15 letters for the Phonics Dance (its a
sight/sound/movement program to assist littles in making connections
between the letters of the alphabet and the sounds that the letters make)
If all goes well, I will try to share them doing the letters A to L on
Class Dojo early next week.

Thanks for your assistance in sending items back.  It is difficult for me to ensure
that nothing is transmitted between home and school without your help.

On MONDAYS, please send in the empty Take Home folder.
On Mondays, please send in the 5 books that your child read that week.

On Fridays, please send in the yellow spelling duotang.
Thank you for assisting your child in practising the 5 sight/spelling words.  
We work on them at school but your one on one practise at home makes all the difference.
Have them write out the words (making the letters correctly) each night because
they will need to do that on Friday.
These are NOT words to sound out.  The students should hear the word and write it.
English is not a language where sounding out works with all words.
What are these words:  uv.    enuff
Are they spelled correctly?

It's hard work being an early English learner!

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