Sunday, 25 October 2020

A Colourful Time in Grade One

When students are learning about patterns, it is much, much
 moreimportant than just knowing the colours that they see.
Patterns are everywhere in our world.
This is the beginning of the opportunity to explore, but 
not the end of the learning.
That learning will continue to be part of our lessons
until the end of June.  By starting with 'hands-on' visual
lessons and activities, the students are preparing for
the more difficult 'think in your head' activities that are to come.
What patterns can be found in the way letters are made?
What patterns can be found in the way numbers are sequenced?
Can you count in a way other than 'one, two, three?'
How do you know what comes next if you count 'four, eight, twelve'?
Usually I have many, many pumpkins in the classroom to 
share and explore.  With our situation, I still wanted the
students to explore how pumpkins grow, what they look like,
how they feel and all the other cool activities that help us understand
plant life cycles.

With a very clean pumpkin and sanitized hands, the students
were able to try out a few opportunities to explore.
Many were so surprised to find out that heavy pumpkins float!
Do you know why?
In our 'Exploring Colour' science unit, it has been very challenging
to do the various paint activities with 19 students and only one
teacher in the classroom.  Slowly, and with one step at a time,
the students still got the hands-on experience of seeing how the 
'tints' and 'shades' or colours are created.
Why don't you ask your little scientists what they learned?

Halloween will be celebrated at school on Friday.
Students can come to school all dressed in their costumes for the day.
Remember that weapons are not allowed, that the students will still
be working, so hands should be out and able to hold school items,
and that we will be going outside for our play breaks, so dress to the weather.

We are discussing how to become a Saint, because Halloween (All Hallow's EVE) is
the night before our wonderful Catholic celebration, All Saints Day.

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