Monday, 28 September 2020

Have brush....make art!

The students thought about who lives in their house.
Using that information, each student made a glyph.
It's a funny word that means using a non-verbal symbol to tell information.
This is the chart of how we showed she lives in our house.
Maybe you can find your family?
The students started with themselves and pasted a white square to their
house to show that why lived in their house.  They added dad (red), mom (purple),
brothers and sisters (green and blue) and pets (brown).  No one in the class
had a grandma or grandpa living at their house.  
It was a great way to see information without using words!
I'm not sure why so many of our creative projects have
involved painting in the last few weeks.  The week before,
the students had chosen a colour to paint their canvas.
I tried to find a variety of ways to draw the word 
"Joy" onto their boards.
They then got to choose another colour to paint in the letters.
They were patient as I delivered the different colours
to their classmates and then they carefully
painted in the letters.
Our school district's theme this year comes from
1 Peter 3:15
Choose Joy
The reason for our hope

The canvases will sit above each little artist's coat area for the year.
It is not always easy to make the CHOICE
but it is easy to find JOY
in watching these little ones
enjoy their life at school.
What!  More painting??
Wait until you see what it becomes!

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