Sunday, 15 September 2019

Working at centres

On Friday, the students had their first opportunity to work in pairs or small groups during our Language Learning time.  For the next few weeks, the focus will be on our English alphabet....the letters and their sounds, how they go together to create words, and how we should write them.
In the class, all modalities are explored....hearing, seeing and touching.
There will be students who prefer one over the other, but just right now, the students 
are exploring and finding out which one works best for them.
There are some students who like to work with a partner,
and some who like to explore on their own.  This is important too.

I have had a chance to work with each student individually and completed a
 book and print awareness assessment.  The students were asked to point out 
first and last letters in a work, first and last words on a page, where the title was,
which direction to read, what to do when you reach the end of the line and other such
information.  Sometimes we take for granted that our littles know these things,
because we have read to them for years.

It is important not to make assumptions.  Take the time to watch your child carefully.
Assist when you think that they are not really aware of the print concepts.
On Monday, the students will start their 'read at home' program.  Of course, they won't
be able to read the words right away.  Start with you reading, and model how to point under 
each word as you go along.  Have the students point and you read,  Have them
point out words that they know.  Talk about the period and its purpose.  If the
book follows a pattern, such as "I see a ____" help them to know that the picture
on the page will probably help them know that the last word is 'pig'.
Most of all, enjoy this cuddle time.  All too soon, they will be reading on their
own and you won't have the excuse to hold your little one so close.

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