Wednesday, 11 September 2019

A new year in Grade ONE!!

Welcome into our classroom!  This is where the magic happens and the lovely little students sent to school in September will be transformed into readers, and writers and mathematicians!  They will sing, and paint, and share, and learn so much in the next ten months!
Every morning (except Wednesday when I am on before school supervision) I will be greeting your child at the door to our room.  Here is the different ways that your child may choose to say "Good morning to me!
Yes, they are little and need so much encouragement, but you will hardly recognize them when the ten months are over.  One of the biggest changes you will see is in their level of independence.  They will change their 'mindset' from the "I can't" attitude to the "Of course I can!" belief in themselves.  Here at the front door are some of the words that we want to hear... "This might take some time", "I will need to practise", "I won't give up!"
This is an interactive white board, which I call a SMARTBoard.  It helps us to see things better,
we can show lessons on it, watch demonstrations, share ideas and do interactive games.
We have already started to read!  This wee we are reading five words"
I     and      the      see      a
We are practising these words in many forms at school and the students will have a yellow spelling duotang that they will take home each night so that they can practise spelling those words with adult help.  Perfection is not the goal....trying out best is!  Since these are 'littles' and this is all new to them, please be patient if they seem to forget quickly.  It takes at least 10 times of review to move new learning from our short term memory into our long term memory.  What your little one knows this week may not be remembered next week.  That's what practise is for!
One of the areas we are practising right now is making the English letters correctly.
First rule:  All letters start at the top.
Second rule:  Letters have to be the correct size.
Third rule:  Only the first letter in a name is written with a capital letter.

This is difficult for littles who have been writing their names in all uppercase letters throughout Kindergarten.  Help them when you notice them revert to their old habits.  It will take a while to change them!
This busy corner is my space, and I try to keep organized but  please be patient with me too!
I make mistakes often!
Our most important lessons will be about how much Our Father in Heaven loves us!
We start and end our day with prayer, and also pray before lunch.  We are going to learn many prayers, practise making the sign of the cross, hear stories from the Bible and find out that we are loved NO MATTER WHAT!
In this corner we gather to do many things: learn about the calendar, follow the days of the week and months of the year, count how many days we come to school, see patterns in numbers, work on a variety of independent centre activities and share information.
Along the back wall we are lucky to have a sink and a water fountain.  We have a whole shelf full of supplies to share and I keep units, craft and paint supplies here as well.
We have a word wall right next to the door into the small 'break out' room, which is used for small group or individual lessons.  This is shared with the classroom next to ours.  We covered the window with our photos which tell about our dreams for the future.
OOPS!  We have many students who are bringing water bottles (Hooray!) but there has been a spill almost every day.  Please look at the pink bottle.  This is a great one because even when it is opened, if it falls over, the water does not spill out.  If you have sent a water bottle for your little one that opens on the top like the other two please consider choosing one with a different type of safe opening.  Most of the spills have happened during the lunch time but if the water spills on students' work, I expect there will be tears.  Let's avoid that with a change in the type of bottle you send.

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