Monday 23 September 2019

Yum! Yum!

Our school day looks quite different this year from last.  We start at 8:45 and 
have a 'wellness break' from 10:05 until 10:10.  It is just enough time for
the little ones to have a bathroom break, wash their hands and grab their morning snack.
Keeping with our school district and school policies to encourage
healthy choices, the students are asked to find a fruit or a vegetable
to munch on each morning.
The natural sugars and the great source of vitamins keeps them learning
until after their playtime outside at 11:30.  They eat their lunch after
playing outside and we are back in class at 12:15.
Apples, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, apple sauce, berries, bananas,
grapes.....these healthy choices bring smiles to their faces!
Thanks for finding a way to encourage your child to eat really good food!

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