Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Oh What Fun It Is to Learn in a Grade One Class Today! Hey!

Each teacher was asked to decorate their classroom door
for the season.  Here's ours...

Since we can't move about the school to use different classrooms,
and we were painting a special Christmas picture, which was
drying on our desks, we got to do some work on the floor!

That doesn't happen very often!
Our science unit is about Building Things and we worked in pairs
to plan and then build one of the Three Little Pigs houses BUT we
have the challenge to make our houses better than the pigs' houses were.
Tomorrow the Big Bad Blowdryer is coming into class and he
will try to blow our houses away!
We are hearing many, many versions of the 
Gingerbread Man story.  Did you know that in one
version, the Gingerbread Man is not eaten by the fox?
We got to eat a Gingerbread Man today but we had
to keep track of which part of the cooky we ate
first, second, third and fourth.
We are using that information to make a graph,
and create a book.
We all agreed that the cookies were delicious!
Really...they are enjoying this activity!
For the first time, the students got to use a set of headphones
and listen to a Christmas story.  The students went to our Google Classroom
and chose the topic NEONS.  The books on the shelves in the picture
were all wonderful and each student could choose which story or two they wanted
to hear.
Thank you parents for helping your kiddos find something to share that showed our classmates
some group that the child belongs to.  The kiddos loved the activity and were proud to answer questions.

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