Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Did you hear about the Big Bad Blow Dryer?

COVID visitors in the school.
How are we going to test out the houses we built
if the Big Bad Wolf can't huff and puff?
We invited the Big Bad Blowdryer instead!
Our problem to solve in our science Building unit
was to build a house of straw, a house of sticks, and
a house of bricks.  The students paired up,
planned and then executed that plan using
materials we could find such as yellow strips of paper,
wooden coffee stir sticks and lego bricks.
Most chose glue as the fastener.
The pairs of students got to share their building ideas
and their predictions about whether the BBB would
blow the house over the line, into the next half of the table
or off the table.
Their favourite by far was the one that blew right off the table
(and I managed to capture the moment for you to see!)
The students and I discussed our thoughts, about
why the houses moved or didn't move and how
we could change the building to make the house
not move.  Lots of talking and thinking!
That's how to solve a problem!
The project was a success!

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