Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Sports Day

Look at these happy faces!  Thank goodness that God let the rain 
keep away for the afternoon.
They were 'super heroes in training'
This looks like potato sack racing....
Here is the bean bag toss...
and they also did some water balloons involved.
Here are the super heroes enjoying the freezies at the end of the 

This was a cool activity where the kiddos were trying to stay away
from the 'boulder'..

The kiddos learned to put their hero clothes on in the 'phone booth'.
and then went to 'rescue' someone in the field.
Here is the aiming game....

They loved this one where they got to use the wet, wet sponge 
to fill the buckets but they went over and under....fun!

This was the ring toss where they tried to catch the 'bed guys' for points

This was the tug of war....the ground was so wet the board with the dowling
underneath that they were standing on was sinking into the grass.  

THANK YOU to all the parents who ran the stations.....you were the heroes!


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