Monday, 17 June 2019

Gather your people, O Lord

Today was a day like no other.  It is the day that proves that the many students and staff at our school are truly a family.  We all belong together.  We all matter.  We all are loved by God.
It's a wonderful tradition that at the end of the school year, the entire body of Christ meets at our parish and prays together.  The Grade One buddies give their Grade Eight buddies a cross.  This year was especially poignant as the students in Grade 4 to 8 will all be off on new adventures.  Our school moves to a K to Gr. 4 model in September.

Before our 'farewell' assembly, the Grade Eight students lined the halls and as the other students walked by, they exchanged high fives and 'good luck' and general excitement for their new foray into high school.

The 'leader of the band' is our own music magician.  She brings tears to my eyes almost every time her kiddos sing.   It doesn't matter if is one class, the choir, or the whole school, these children sing with the voices of angels!

Here she is getting them all 'worked up' and ready for this day's song fest!

What a gift she is to our school!

The students in Grades One to Four read a poem to the older grades explaining why they are wonderful to have around!  My money is on our Assistant Principal writing that amazing piece. (The boy in stripes is from my class!)

Look at what the kiddos can do!  Their final research project in Social Studies was focused on one of the most photographed symbols in Canada, our own Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Using the writing of Mary Wise Brown, as their template, they wrote about the important thing about the RCMP.  This work was edited and the students used the school's chrome books to create their final keyboarded copy.  They learned how to :
centre the title,
change the font,
change the font size,
recognize errors,
fix errors 
import a picture
size a picture
It makes for a very impressive hallway display!
Great job kiddos!

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