Tuesday, 21 May 2013

What we've been up to...May version!

At last!  The snow is gone and we can spend our phy. ed. classes outside!
We have been learning to play an easy version of T-ball, getting a chance to field, hit and run the bases.  It's a new experience for some.
Without a pitcher or catcher, the students are becoming quite successful at hitting the ball.
Though we don't keep score, it feels great to make it around the bases and touch home plate.
In science we are "Building with a Variety of Materials" and trying to put into practise, the theories we learned in our "Testing Materials" experiements.  The students made plasticine animals and found that it wasn't so easy to get them to stand on their legs.

They were each able to choose the type of animals that they wanted to create.


The creativity came through..
                                               ...as did the details in all the llittle creatures.
  I couldn't move the other photo above, but we participated with the entire school in the "Living Rosary."  Our class joined the other Grade 3 class and shared the first decade.  Here one of our boys is leading the school in saying "Hail Mary."  We are saying a decade each morning in our class for morning prayer as well.
Daily, Daily Pray to Mary!

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