Wednesday 22 May 2013

Science Day Extraordinaire!

Now I know what you're thinking, but really this is NOT a way to torture students!
Instead, the students spent a happy and productive morning having the opportunity to actually build four types of bridges!  Thank you to our parent volunteers who manned the stations and assisted the students with getting the right pieces in the right places.  This really will be a case of a picture telling you the story, so enjoy!
Suspension bridge

Arch Bridge
Girder (or beam) bridge

Illustrating and labeling
Putting in the trusses

A sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when a job is well done!

I learned there is a suspension bridge in Edmonton, near Fort Edmonton Park!
The reason for the smile?  Today I learned that I have been granted $10,000 by bp Energy, to support a project in my classroom next year!  What an exciting morning for us all!

The rest of the day was just as exciting, but I'll save that for tomorrow's post!

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