Tuesday, 17 December 2019

The way we embrace technology and other ways to learn

Ginger loved watching the students as they worked
within the classroom using various types of technology.
They were intrigued by OSMO, which is an interactive
device that can be set up with my iPAD.  The little red
part at the top 'knows' what the students put in front of it.
Here the student is making an amount that equals the amount on
the bubble on the screen so that the bubble pops and gives points
to the player.
Some of my iPADs have stories downloaded onto them, so that 
students can 'listen to reading'.
The SMARTBoard in the classroom is interactive, which means
that the students can answer questions and the board can
give them a positive sound when they are correct.  Very positive
Not everything great is high tech!  Good fun is being had with
cookie sheets and magnetic alphabet letters as these kiddos
spell words.
Stretching words is still a new skill and here a little car
is the motivator.  The students 'drive' along the letters, saying the
sounds (see the digraph /sh/ we have recently learned?) and then...
they lift up the flap to see if their decoding skills helped them read 
the word correctly.
This activity is called 'Read Around the Room'.
There are are cards set up around the class, and the
students, armed with a pencil and clipboard, walk around,
find the card and then write....sometimes words, sometimes numbers...
it's just a way to get students up and moving.
They are still learning but it seems a whole lot more fun than
staying in a chair.  In this activity, they were looking for
important parts of the 'Gingerbread Man' story.
I think Ginger is very excited about making gingerbread houses
tomorrow with our Grade 3 buddies!

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