Love You

Monday, 21 October 2019

Room on the Broom

Books are AMAZING!!
This British book, written by the same author as Gruffalo, has so many 
ways to encourage the imagination.  Today, the students heard the
story, but then were faced with a challenge.
Using styrofoam cups with the characters attached, along with
a ruler to act as the broom, and some plasticine stuck in a cup with
a pencil acting as the pivot, the students were asked to
balance the cups on the lever  so that they would all stay on.
This would be challenging enough, but the table groups of five
students also had to come up with a way to share the work, the ideas,
and the materials.  This is not easy for six year olds.
It was lovely to hear their plans, and their encouragement to their
table mates.  There were a few who just sat back and watched,
or complained because 'he took mine', but that in itself is a learning moment.
Is it fun to be part of the action, or mope?
Those who did not take an active role, might have learned
that friends will not ask you more than once to be part of the action.

In the end, there were squeals of delight as all five cups
found a way to stay on the ruler.....just like the witch and the cat, dog,
bird and frog found a way to all fly on the broom.

Is there Room on the Broom?
These hard workers proved that there is!

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