Sunday, 6 October 2019

Fall is in the air!

The students worked on finishing up their multi medium art
projects that were started with the painting of the background.
They were able to add a photo of themselves with their hands
high above their head.  In this scene, it looks like they are
throwing up the beautiful Autumn leaves into the air.
The leaves were made using their pincer grips to tear tiny pieces of
construction paper.  They turned out lovely and are proudly hung
in the hall for their friends to see.
They were very focused,
and really wanted to take them home.  They will be saved for
their scrapbooks.  By the by, I have 16 scrapbooks.  Did you remember
to send one in for your child?
Friday was also the first of the four Yoga lessons
that are part of the extracurricular activities that our
class will be taking part in.
Miss Teagan led the students through a number of poses.
encouraging the students to breathe
and try to enjoy the various ways their bodies were being stretched.
They were so 'into' the experience!
Here's the 'turtle' pose,

and the 'tree' pose

and the 'cobra' or 'snake' pose.

1 comment:

  1. will only exacerbate any skin irritation that you already have, and cause dryness. Always try using a gentle natural cleanser over harsh chemicals.
    Ganga bhakti Ganga music
