Monday, 1 April 2019

Pirates and Assembly and Stories...Oh my!

Just before we started Spring Break, we met a real pirate.  She came into our class and asked us all to join her crew.  She was willing to offer some basic training before we could be considered to join her on the high seas!
There were four different learning stations.  At one station the students learned the importance of a keel to allow boats to stay upright in the water.  Now the students understand the word buoyancy!
At another station, the students learned the importance of distributing the weight of the cargo to ensure the ship will be able to stay afloat.
Why do some things sink and some things float?
The students were able to make predictions and then try out the different 'treasures'.

The students were able to try to create one type of boat and see how much weight the boat could hold before it sunk.
The pirate helped each and every student make their own paddle boat using wood, screws and an elastic.

We all worked so hard to create these working models that we were able to bring home!
Thanks moms and grandmothers for coming in to help us.  What a lot of learning crammed into one busy morning!

Did you hear?  Another Grade 2 teacher had her head shaved because she had challenged her class to earn a certain amount of money in their quest to save the sea ice and ultimately the polar bears.  
We watched!
Crazy socks for a great reason.  We support everyone, even those who are different from us!
Each assembly is focusing on a different grade and this Monday was the Grade Two classes' turn.
We sang, read a poem.....

and some of the students read about what we are learning in science....

What an amazing planet God has given us!
Mrs. Gumpinger challenged each and every student at our school to help fill the pool at WEM, by encouraging teams and neighbours and cousins and friends to buy tickets to the parent council's fundraiser.  LAST DAY TO BUY TICKETS IS APRIL 15!  
The students are loving the opportunity to read a 'bedtime' story to their classmates.  If your child missed their turn because they did not remember to bring a book, there will be an opportunity when the rest of the class has had their turn, for your kiddo to bring a book to read.  
Everyone will have a chance!

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