Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

It's just my opinion but I think my kiddos were much more excited that they were going to go skating in the afternoon on Valentine's Day than they were about their valentine cards!  Thank you to ALL the wonderful parents who came out to tie skates, offer encouragement and skate along with these happy, happy children!
This is an example of the happiness we saw all afternoon!
I tried to get the kiddos to stop for a minute to pose for a picture, but it wasn't easy!
In our physical. ed. classes back at school we had been practising doing static balances, so here was our attempt to do a balance on ice!
This was a great challenge for them!
It didn't matter how often these kiddos get to skate, they were all happy to try!
Posing for a picture is a favourite activity as well.
I love when I can get a photo with a mom in the picture, because we know that 
doesn't happen nearly enough!

These two hung out all afternoon and improvements were definitely seen!
Outside the classroom are the students' opinion writing pieces.
I believe that students do a better job of writing when they have actually had the experience, so each kiddo got a Hersey Kiss and a Hersey Hug to eat, which helped generate more vivid vocabulary (Shhh! Don't tell anyone we were eating chocolate in class, but it was only two tiny pieces!)
The students writing followed a specific pattern, so the first sentence shared their opinion, followed by three sentences that each explained a reason for that opinion and the last sentence summarized and restated the first sentence.  
I have included an example of each go the opinions, just to be fair!
These lovely art pieces use mixed media, including sharpie pens, pastels and a blue wash, to share some lovely words from the Bible.

Yep!  I do love these kids!

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