Thursday, 17 January 2019

BUILDING Compound words....

The cones and caution tape created quite the 'buzz' in the hallway before school on Tuesday morning. I could hear the whispers..."What do you think happened?"  "Did the classroom flood?"  "Why can't we go in?"  "Are we going to have to go home?"
When the students came in look at what was waiting for them at their table spot!
A huge thank you to Home Depot for donating the aprons, gloves, safety goggles, pipe pieces and couplings and the tool boxes for our special day.
The students helped each other gear up and then they all 'met' the site foreman
who explained that the regular workers had called in sick and there were over 100 compound words that needed to be built.
Here's a crew ready and willing to get to work!
The four construction crews worked collaboratively to build the compound words at one of four construction sites, rotating through so that each crew got a chance to work at each site.
At this site, they dug through the tool box to find the two blocks that could be fitted together to create a new word.
This tool box was filled with pipe sections with words affixed to them.  Using the couplings, there were twenty compound words to make.  There were a few heads being scratched as errors were made.
Is there really a word made home?  OOPS!  if the two words are switched, there is a word homemade!
This was a very challenging site.  First you had to come up with a sentence that had at least one noun, verb, adjective and compound word.  Once that was written, you could create a tower with the right blocks.  Finally the sentence words had to be traced in the right colours to show how the sentence was 'built.'  Not the easiest thing for an apprentice carpenter.
Everyone loves puzzles and the 4th construction site had many to put together but surprise!!, the picture wouldn't help because the puzzles had words and had to make sense if they were going to be put together correctly.
Success is worth a hug!
By the end of the morning all of the crew members really understood how compound words are made.  It was a great time!

Let us know if you need something built....we are ready and willing!
(Thanks to Catherine Reed for sharing this wonderful idea with me)

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