Tuesday 11 December 2018

Magnet Exploration

We spent the day being scientists. We looked at the scientific process
-ask questions
-make a hypothesis
-test the hypothesis
-record observations
-come to a conclusion 

We thought of what we already know about MAGNETS, which included whatever the students thought was true.  We then made a list of questions we thought of about what we would like to learn about magnets.
There were eight different areas for small groups of students to explore. Each station had a focus that when completed, helped the students learn something new about magnets.
The students were focused and we're learning that our partners have important things to say that can assist in our learning.  We are better when we work together!
The students even tried to turn a pin into a magnet!
The students also got the opportunity to read from a variety of books. Books can teach us so much!
Hands-on activities help build our knowledge.
In the end the students also got to make a game that uses a magnet. We are becoming experts about magnets.

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