Thursday 22 November 2018

Our dancing priest

This week we have been focusing throughout the school on Kindness.  We have introduced another positive behaviour activity, in which the students can earn a 'visit' from a stuffy on their desk for the positive ways they are showing their best behaviour in the classroom.  The butterfly spent yesterday with this sweet boy.
One of the great stories we shared this week is called "Enemy Pie".  We did so many activities with it including....
expanding our vocabulary.  These 9 words were focused upon and the students know what they all mean!
We created a recipe, after a great discussion on positive character traits we like to see in our friends.
Here's an example of a wonderful set of traits you might like in a friend:
a dash of smart
a cup of dependable
a pinch of sweet
and a spoonful of encouragement!
In religion, we have been focusing on all the 'treasures' we will be receiving this Saturday through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Treasures need to be kept safe, so we made...
treasure chests to keep them in....
with a lock!
I think the students loved all the sparkly things they got to use to make their treasure chests!

We had a WONDERFUL visit from Father Sathea (I don't know how to spell his name...oops!)
and he laughed after saying that they won't go home to tell the parents all the good things we talked about.  Instead the children will say that Father loves to dance and he danced with us all today!

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