Thursday, 18 October 2018

Learning with Great Literature

Kevin Henkes' books are wonderful and the kiddos love the stories.
Lilly is not very patient when her teacher asks her to be considerate and wait her turn.  She doesn't want to wait and then her teacher keeps her items on the desk until the end of the day.
We used this book to practise sharing our predictions (those sticky notes out the side of the book are the two places where the students made their own predictions) in a purple purse.

Predictions should make sense and be possible within the story structure. 
I didn't 'mark' them, just read them to see how the students were thinking about the story.
The story follows a sequence...what happened at the beginning, and then....followed by....and then finally.....  The students used their own words to create the sequence (I am looking for them to remember what they heard) and then to make it so cutesy, they created Lilly, holding the page.
Thanks to Emily from Washington who shared this idea with me.

I really love when the students add a little individuality into the project, so some Lilly heads tilt right and some tilt left!
This week we have introduced some new vocabulary into our long term memory and have been practising using these words in some daily activities.
Here are the anchor charts that we have hanging up in the class,
as a visual that the students can refer to.  They are starting to make great connections!

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