Sunday 28 October 2018

Flashlight Friday...Version 2

The students are really enjoying their Friday reading in the dark, with their flashlights as their light source.  I decided to try having the students do the language learning activity that I had planned, in the dark as well.
I put the words, all of them ending with the suffix -ed, around the tables.
The students moved about and illuminated the word with their flashlight.
When each student read the word, they listened carefully to the sound that -ed was making.
What it /d/ or /t/ or /ed/?  Depending on what he or she heard, the student wrote the word in the column that matched the ending sound.
It put a new 'light' (HA! HA!) on this activity!
Sometimes I see cool ideas and think how wonderful it would be to do with the students.  
Sometimes I don't think this through completely!
This might have been one of those activities.  In the end they did turn out and looked spooky but I had to do the gluing because the sticks needed to be put onto the paper with hot glue.
To be fair, the kiddos did glue the moon and the eyes, but really it wasn't my best idea ever.
They look spooky in the hallway though!

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