Monday, 10 September 2018

Our First Monday of Grade Two

When the students walked in, one table of students had a surprise at their table spots.
Each child had a 'Team of the Week" poster at their spot.  As I watched the kiddos last week, I paid attention to which group was being a good role model for the others in the classroom.  These students were hardworking, focused, and kind to others.  Congratulations!
Each student also got a 'Teamwork' certificate to take home.  Which table 'team' will be our "Team of the Week" next week?
In the back of the Kanga pouches tonight will be the first of our monthly book order forms.  It is your choice as to whether you would like to buy something for your child.  Often the prices in the book order are the best that you can find.  Please read the green information sheet that is stapled to the front as it explains the best way to participate.  Books are the BEST gifts!
The students worked on a concept that they should have learned in Grade One during math class today.  Every students should know all of the doubles equations....not figure out, but KNOW!
The students worked in pairs to help their brains remember these equations.  It is very important that they know the equations, as they are going to introduced to a new mental math strategy next week, which is doubles add one, doubles add two and doubles minus one and doubles minus two.  The strategy doesn't work if the child doesn't know their doubles.
I suggested to the students that when they are being driven to swimming lessons, dance class or hockey practise, they should ask their parents to quiz them.  Will you please?

This morning we started our Language Learning lessons using Arnold Lobel's stories which feature Frog and Toad.  I love the laughter as the kiddos heard the first story "Down the Hill" and then paired up to read to someone.
We focused on the characters, setting, problem and solution for the story and created a story map.  They are up in the class.  Frog and Toad stories will be the focus for our learning for the rest of the month.  I am sure you are going to hear all about these two!
Just thought I would add a photo of Gerald the Dancing Giraffe.  I think the art work looks great.

Please remember that this Thursday is our school's Meet the Teacher from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Hope to see you then!

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