Thursday, 27 September 2018

Our week in pictures

I am sorry that it has been so long since I have posted!  Between the fact that I was out of the country, we had a PD Day, and I had an opportunity to spend time with an old friend who lives across the country this week, the blog just didn't get done!
I am so happy to see that the students are choosing a fruit or a vegetable as their morning snack.  These natural sugars allow the kiddos to have enough energy to get through the morning and do their best.
They so enjoy the opportunity to tell me what they are eating...and it varies from grapes to strawberries to carrots with dip.  They love it!  Thanks for packing those important foods.

Earlier this week, after reading a story about a family who decided to get organized and keep count of their many household items, I had the students work in pairs and count boxes and bins of a large quantity of items.  I wanted to know what they already knew about large numbers and ultimately, what they remembered from their learning last year.  Most of the students counted the items in the containers one at a time.  They wrote the number (or in some cases attempted to write the number) on a sticky note. and put it on the outside of the box.

The next day, as a group, we talked about what is important about knowing how to count large 'quantities'.  We discussed the need to be 'quick' and 'efficient' and that counting by ones, was neither. The students worked with their same partners, but were given a different container and were asked to come up with a different strategy to count, and to check if the number on the sticky was the actual amount inside.

They were so proud of being able to 'prove' that the amount that they counted was correct.  They worked hard to create groups of 10s or 5s or 2s.  They were able to demonstrate to others in the classroom that their number was correct.

They were so proud and I could hear the change in their conversations, as they started to use the words that are displayed on our board:

Today our whole school participated in our annual Terry Fox Run.  After a really miserable week weather wise, seeing glimpses of blue sky was was encouraging, even though the temperatures still meant the students needed a sweater or jacket.
The students thought of someone who they would be running for and coloured a picture of Terry.  They have a better understanding of how important this run is, to ensure that cancer is cured.
It was hard to get a good shot of how those hundreds of students running for this cause, really warms your heart.
These smiles help...
as does this pair who walked and talked around the course.

They did it...and now it is time for the big reward....
I am sure you heard how those who brought a Toonie for Terry, would have their name entered for a chance to throw a pie at a teacher.   Here's the before shot....
...and here's the after!
again, with a different group of teachers

willing and waiting for the chance to help this cause.....
any way they can!
Good thing that it was all just whipped cream!

Friday, 14 September 2018

Nine days's what's new....

When I left school on Wednesday, I took this photo of the school's garden and thought it would make a great shot to show that we had snow in September....and then we all woke up on Thursday to a real winter wonderland!  Dress your kiddos up warmly please, because the forecast is for more of that frozen stuff all weekend long!
When you open your child's agenda this weekend, you will see the orange and yellow brochures along with the one page registration for Monday night's meeting for all families who are going to assist their children in Grade Two (or older grades) prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion this year.  I'll see you there....and if there is someone in your family that would like to consider taking the journey towards becoming Catholic, the RCIA program will walk with you on your faith journey.  Please contact our parish.
Today was the day that the first student took on the role of Teacher's Pet.  That means that the student will be able to 'share' with the class on Monday.  The first sharing activity is to create the 'All About Me' backpack and put five small (inexpensive and not fragile) items inside to talk about the next day. Here's a visual in case you aren't sure how to put it all together.
Don't forget to fill in the information on the back!
Today was also the first day that the students are bringing home a Literacy Bag for the weekend.  They are returned on Monday along with the family journal, that looks like the spiral notebooks that you see above.  The parents are asked to please share their observations with me through this communication tool, allowing us to keep in touch and celebrate the learning.
Here's the whole lot of the new bags....different than the ones used last year.  They are, for the most part, filled with more books at a more difficult reading level, and with more activities to work on.  One bag has a movie in it, one has the story in French with a CD player, some have puppets, one has rubber stamps to create a scene, and all are meant for you to engage with your child in a non-threatening way, and see the difficulties or challenges that the child may be experiencing or recognizing the growth and successes that come with a full year of school behind them.
Here's an example of one of the Literacy bags...
complete with 4 books to choose from, (try one on Friday, one on Saturday and one on Sunday), a plush character, a game for the family to enjoy.
and two books to work on, including an experiment that involves a cookie.


Monday, 10 September 2018

Our First Monday of Grade Two

When the students walked in, one table of students had a surprise at their table spots.
Each child had a 'Team of the Week" poster at their spot.  As I watched the kiddos last week, I paid attention to which group was being a good role model for the others in the classroom.  These students were hardworking, focused, and kind to others.  Congratulations!
Each student also got a 'Teamwork' certificate to take home.  Which table 'team' will be our "Team of the Week" next week?
In the back of the Kanga pouches tonight will be the first of our monthly book order forms.  It is your choice as to whether you would like to buy something for your child.  Often the prices in the book order are the best that you can find.  Please read the green information sheet that is stapled to the front as it explains the best way to participate.  Books are the BEST gifts!
The students worked on a concept that they should have learned in Grade One during math class today.  Every students should know all of the doubles equations....not figure out, but KNOW!
The students worked in pairs to help their brains remember these equations.  It is very important that they know the equations, as they are going to introduced to a new mental math strategy next week, which is doubles add one, doubles add two and doubles minus one and doubles minus two.  The strategy doesn't work if the child doesn't know their doubles.
I suggested to the students that when they are being driven to swimming lessons, dance class or hockey practise, they should ask their parents to quiz them.  Will you please?

This morning we started our Language Learning lessons using Arnold Lobel's stories which feature Frog and Toad.  I love the laughter as the kiddos heard the first story "Down the Hill" and then paired up to read to someone.
We focused on the characters, setting, problem and solution for the story and created a story map.  They are up in the class.  Frog and Toad stories will be the focus for our learning for the rest of the month.  I am sure you are going to hear all about these two!
Just thought I would add a photo of Gerald the Dancing Giraffe.  I think the art work looks great.

Please remember that this Thursday is our school's Meet the Teacher from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Hope to see you then!