Sunday, 3 June 2018

You are what you eat.....

I love when the lessons that I create cover a variety of the curricular outcomes that we are to learn in Grade One.  Reality is that learning is not easily pigeon holed into one category.  As we explore vegetables, through two lovely pieces of children's literature Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens, and Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French, the students were immersed in writing, health, science, and art, all at the same time.
Oliver tells his grandparents that he doesn't eat vegetables, he only eats chips (He's British, you see).
Grandpa makes a deal with Oliver that they will find the potatoes in the garden and make chips but if they find a different vegetable, Oliver has to eat it without complaining.  By the end of the week, Oliver has tried, and enjoyed, seven different vegetables grown in the garden.
In the four different table pods, the students worked collaboratively and retold the story, which were then read aloud to the entire class.  Writing is becoming an area that the students are gaining confidence in, recognizing that they are able to think of ideas, and then write the words that are in their mind, down on paper.  They are being encouraged to use correct conventions and to print as many of the words on their own as they possibly can.  They are rising to the occasion!
The bear in the Tops and Bottoms story, reminds me of Brier Bear, not really the swiftest of all God's creatures.  The rabbits get that ol' bear very confused as they ask him to choose if he wants to eat the 'tops' or the 'bottoms' of the vegetables that they are going to plant.  Depending on his answer, the rabbits choose what they will plant to benefit themselves and not the bear.
The students created some 'bottoms' vegetables, using pastels on watercolour paper,
then applying a 'wash' of paint over
then finally dabbing the paint off of the leaves and the vegetables.

I think they are stunning and love how far these little artists have come!

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