Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Arbour Day (and a little bit of geometry too!)

I've got to stop taking so many pictures!  Honestly, though, I want you to see your sweet kiddos having the time of their lives, trying new things, learning, smiling and enjoying their days at school.

If you ever run into your town counsellor here in the County, please let him or her know how wonderful the County sponsored (as they pay for everything, including the bus!) Arbour Day for the Grade One students of Strathcona....and I hear that was over 1000 of them!
After watching some cool tree climbing antics and learning about pruning, the students got to run through an obstacle course.  I think there were 7 or 8 stations all together.
These are white spruce seedlings (that were sent home today).  Place two adults finger tip to finger tip next to each other.  That's how massive these trees are going to be at maturity.
My advice:  don't plant next to a fence or your house!  They will need about 4 meters of space on every side in order to grow up healthy and strong.  Did you get a tree in Grade One?  WOuldn't it be fun to show your little one how large it is now?

This beaver mascot was kind and very photogenic!

It was a beautiful day with just enough wind to keep us from overheating.
The children disappeared into the trees to make little fairy houses.  We adults were not allowed to follow!
The fire department talked to the children about fire safety in the forest.
They sent us home with pamphlets and tattoos!

The students learned about how a tree grows and each got a tree cookie (ha! ha! not the kind to eat) and counted the rings to see how old the tree was.

Two of my munchkins were invited up on stay with Peter Puffin, to act as characters during one of the songs that he sang.
Have the children told you about the seeds that we have planted?
Here's a group of them as they used magnifying glasses to check out the parts of the plant.

The know where to find the roots, stem, leaves and we hope to one day, see our plants produce flowers.  Ask them about the seed coat and how the seed gets its' food at the beginning of it's growth, when it is still a sprout.
We are trying different activities each day of Mental Health Week.
Today, we were asked to create and so we used toothpicks and marshmallows to see if we could create the sides and corners of two dimensional (2D) shapes.
Do you know what a rhombus is?  Ask your kiddo because they all know!
Here's a rectangle,
and here's an octagon!
Happy birthday to this 7 year old!  They are growing up so fast!

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