Thursday 1 February 2018

Some of our visitors

Last Friday, our Grade Six buddies came to our classroom and helped the Grade One students transform a white sock, some elastics and a few other odds and ends, 
along with some rice,
into a handsome little snowman!  Thanks for Reagan Tunstall for the original idea!
Father Raj did not have time to visit us last week but we were pleasantly surprised to welcome Father Jim into our classroom today.  The students asked him a few questions, the best one being "Do we have to get baptized?"  Father handled that very tough question with grace and love.  The students just LOVE when he comes to visit!
Tuesday, Zero the Hero came to visit our class, as he does every ten days.
He arrived to announce that it was the 90th day of school and he left the students a 'craftivity', which they completed today.
Zero the hero wanted to know what the students would look like when they were 90 years old.
The pictures and the writing that the students did eventually will become one of our classroom books.
They were just too cute, so they went up on our wall to enjoy for a while!
Do these two look the same?
Enjoy the following...
love the beard,
and the wrinkles,
and the bald spot!

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