Wednesday 6 December 2017

Sock Baby Jesus

The school I taught in last year had a chaplain.  He shook his head when I told him that my class was making "sock Baby Jesus" (an idea from a dedicated Catholic mom named Lacy Rabideau) but he quickly turned his opinion around when he saw how adorable these little bundles turn out!
Here's Grandma helping a little one stuff the body.
The eyes, nose and mouth are added with a sharpie pen.
A twist and a tie and suddenly that little white sock brings "oohs" and "aaahhhhs" from all the kiddos in the classroom.

All that straw in the manger isn't just cut up strips of brown paper.  Each one is a promise to do a charitable act in the month of December.  The children make the promise as they are crumpling up the paper strips.
My favourite part of this whole activity is 'listening in to the promises' and hearing sweet words such as "I am going to listen to mom and not talk back." and "I won't complain when there are carrots on my plate" and "Thank you for the sunshine today."

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