Saturday, 9 December 2017

Santa's Stuck!

Here's a cute story that led our class created beginning-middle-end writing today.
The students helped to create a problem (the beginning), and the consequence (middle) and finally how the problem was solved (the end).
They also made a little 'creativity' to show what it all looked like!
Most of the students are recognizing what size each of the letters should be and are fairly neat as they print.  It is important because one of the reasons for writing is to share our ideas with others.  If the person can't read your writing, they can't hear your wonderful thoughts!
If your child is still making letters too large or too small or backwards, please correct them.  They are asked to fix their printing here at school because we don't want 'muscle memory' to take over.  That's the memory in our muscles that help us ride a bike even if we haven't been on one for years.  If the muscle memory only knows how to make the letter the incorrect way, it is SOOOOO difficult to break that and create the letter correctly.  I have some students that are not making /a/ and /g/ correctly because they made them incorrectly all last year.  Please correct them each and every time.
Here are some of my proud boys who made bead and pipe cleaner candy canes for their Christmas trees at home,
and our St. Nicholas ornaments also were finished!
Your trees are going to be so lovely!

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