Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The Good Shepherd....following Jesus' message

I think Father announced this past Sunday that it was the 33rd week of ordinary time.  Just one more week, and we begin a new liturgical year.  Advent starts on the first Sunday in December.  Before our class moves onto the second unit in Religion, the children have heard about David, who was chosen to be the King of God's people while he was still a young boy, tending his father's sheep.

Today, the children heard how Jesus called himself "The Good Shepherd", and the connection was made that we are like the sheep who trust the voice of Our Good Shepherd, who keeps us safe.
I read this lovely book to the students.  The illustrations are amazing!
My favourite page is one in which we are reminded that God knows us so well, that he knows how many hairs grow on our head!
Each child made a sweet little cotton ball sheep, which we added to our Religion board.  I heard one little one say "Our board about Jesus looks so lovely."  It melted my heart!
Do you remember seeing the 'WWJD' bracelets about 20 years ago?
I thought they helped many people make the connection to Our Lord in a real way.....stop and ask "What would Jesus do?" and then make your choice based on your thoughts.

This week, our afternoon stories are focusing on making the right choice be the first choice.
Where do most of our little ones have to make good choices?  Usually, the choices they make about being like Jesus are made as they play on the playground.  Yesterday's story was "The Recess Queen" by Alexis O'Neill, about a girl who rules the playground with an iron fist, until a new girl comes to the school and helps Jean to see there is more fun when you play with others.
This led to an opportunity to sort some situations into two categories, those in which your choice makes you a recess friend and those which do not make you a recess friend.
Here are a couple of the answers that the students provided as we brainstormed
which they then copied onto their pages.
Today's story was the kids' version of the bucket filling story.
We chose some ideas from these two stories and put them onto some cards to that they can be displayed and referred to our the next few weeks.  Sometimes we as adults forget, that it takes some teaching for our little ones to learn how to be a good friend.  It is easier said than done!
Our board is getting more and more full of great connections.

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