Sunday 1 October 2017

What a week!

Each and every day this week was chock-a-block full of exciting new learning.
The students got to work at Language Learning Word Work boxes for the first time.
There were activities that related to the alphabet in the form of games
and puzzles.
There were activities that allowed the students to work on spelling
and on making the letters of the alphabet correctly.
The students loved 'parking' the cars onto the correct places on in the Alphabet Parking lot.
They also were learning how to 'stay on task' and 'work co-operatively.'

Earlier in the week, the students created a 'glyph' about their families, using the chart that can be seen on the left.  Thanks to April Larremore for the idea.
The weather was lovely for our school's Terry Fox walk/run.  The students all wore stickers on their shirts to tell us who they were running for.
Part of our science studies this year will be on the changes seen throughout the season.  We are adopting this tree which we can see through our classroom window to watch.  We were surprised at how many of the leaves have already fallen off of the tree only a week after Autumn began.

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