Thursday 26 October 2017

Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones....

We focused on Skeletons on Wednesday.  Click on the link below to see one of the books that we read and used for a jumping off point for our work:
                                                                       Dem Bones

Our Grade Six buddies came to help us make skeletons using glue, black paper and q -tips!
It was the first time the Grade One students had used white glue.
Each and every skeleton, whether made by a Gr. 1 student or a Gr. 6 student is unique!
Check them out in our display at the front of the school.
My favourite part was when the Gr. 1 students read to their buddies.
They have come so far!
Here's a peek at the book that we focused on during our lessons on Thursday.
Click on this link you you can hear this book too!   Baby Mummy
Guess what we made??!!

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