Thursday 18 May 2017

Looking into the past and seeing where we came from!

Late in June our class will be visiting the Fort Heritage Precinct, one of the best field trip opportunities, in my opinion, with it's connection to the past and the hands on child entered activities.
With a connection to Social Studies, the students and I looked into why the name of our community is Fort Saskatchewan.  The students were amazed to learn that the RCMP (back then known as the NWMP) had actually built a fort along the river, and that lead to the community that exists today.
We read books, watched a few little movie clips, brainstormed, created lists and were ready to write!
What a fine job the students did!  They wrote about our own Canadian police force,
demonstrating their knowledge
and pride in being part of Canada.  You must read them!

What else were the students proud of? They were proud to get to bring home candles in a teacup, which they chose especially for their moms!

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