Sunday, 15 January 2017

Happy New Year 2017

I was so very impressed with the students and their faithful manner in responding to the "I love God because..." sentence starter.  They were all so deep and spiritual, as these examples will show:

This month we will be focusing on winter themed stories in our Language Learning lessons.  The students had a great experience in December, comparing and contrasting the Gingerbread Men stories that were shared.  They were able to identify the similarities and differences between the characters, the settings, and how the stories ended.
Currently the students are comparing these different versions of the traditional Ukrainian folktale of 
"The Mitten."  They even got to learn some of the animals' names in Ukrainian and wrote them using the cyrillic alphabet.

On Friday, they used oil pastels to create colourful patterns on a mitten.

This is a math tool that originated in the Netherlands called a rekenrek.
We are using this tool to assist the students in visualizing how a one digit number added to 10 makes a 'teen' number.  In the example above you'll notice that the group of 10 on the top wire is left in place and the bottom wire shows 5, so the equation 10 + 5 would equal 15.
This is 10 + 3 equals 13.
Can you figure this one out?

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