Sunday 6 November 2016

Doubles Dude and Mrs. Puddlehopper all in the same week!

"Doubles! Doubles! I can add doubles!
It's no trouble for me to add doubles!"
That's the chant on the You tube video that we watched this week and knowing the doubles facts has been our goal in all of our activities in math.

We made our "Doubles Dude" using an idea shared by Amy Lemons on her blog.
Has your child told you about our friend Rocket?  If not I'll try to introduce him later this week.
Rocket has brought some of his friends into our classroom for the students to work with and we used those puppies to create a portrait of each.  Each certainly shows his or her own personality!
Want to see this same type of art being offered for sale?
Check out:

Friday afternoon brought Mrs. Puddlehopper into our classroom to lead the students through four stations focusing on the science unit that they recently completed: Liquids.
They were all ears!
She made it rain in our classroom!

The students re-examined density.

They also changed
a liquid
into a solid
and did something that real scientists never do....tasted the fruits of their labour!

There was also a station where they tested the absorbency of different materials.
It was a wonderful review.

Please consider coming to the school of Thursday morning for the Remembrance Day celebration.
Our class is leading.  It starts at 11:00 a.m.

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