Tuesday 11 October 2016

So much to be Thankful for...

Last week, it was Autumn.  Now it doesn't look like it outside, but we have our fingers crossed that we might be able to still enjoy this time of year.
The students made collages, using directed drawing to create the background,
colouring and shading with pencil crayons, pasting on a photo
and adding some little cut out leaves to show their love of the season!
Today, we started looking at the next big day in the life of all children...
by exploring one of the more famous characters associated with this time of year.

I love how the students chose how to orientate the shoes, so that each picture looked just a little bit different!
The students again used nouns to label the witch,
and then in a collaborative effort, they added adjectives to those nouns.
The students also completed a Thanksgiving prayer that they started before this past long weekend.
There's always something new to introduce.  The students are going to do a reflective self assessment using the following criteria on this piece.   They will be using the new assessment numbers that will be seen on the newest version of the report card that will be shared in January.

School photos were sent home today.

New spelling words are inside of the agenda.

Please send a clean ice cream bucket to hold your child's hat and mittens as soon as you can!

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