Wednesday 4 May 2016

Prayers for Fort McMurray

Although my reason for posting to this blog is to share with the parents of the students in my classroom, I do know that there are some out there who might find this post, who are not from Canada.

Please add your prayers to ours. North of our community is a small city of 80,000 who have all been evacuated because of a wild fire.  We are hearing that some 1600 homes have been destroyed, that whole communities are no longer standing, and that the fire rages on.

We pray, dear Lord, that you will send huge clouds, full of rain, to our friends and families in the north.  May these rains put out the fires and allow the devastation to end.

Some of the students in my class have daddies, uncles and friends who work in Fort McMurray.  We pray for them and ask that you do too.

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