Tuesday, 16 February 2016

February - a Busy Month!

I am not a tech. expert as you can tell!  Try as I might, these pictures will not upload any other way but sideways!  Hope you can still see that our own little groundhog here at our school DID see his shadow, which means we are to have six more weeks of winter!  Is he right?  We are tracking the weather to find out.
Sister Gertrude came to visit both Grade Two classes last Tuesday, which was Shrove Tuesday.  She helped us understand that when Father says "Do this in memory of me.." that the unleavened bread that he blesses becomes Jesus' Body and that the wine becomes Jesus' blood.  We see a miracle each and every time we go to mass.  
She helped us to understand that when we participate in the Adoration of the Eucharist, that we are seeing Jesus right here, right now. Our school will be having mass at 9:15 on Thursday Feb. 18th at which time Father will be placing Jesus in the Monstrance.  We will be going into the chapel for Adoration later that day.  ALL parents, grandparents and family members are invited to be part of this wonderful opportunity.  Please come if you are able.
Later on Tuesday, we were lucky enough to receive some pancakes and fruit as our morning snack.
Shrove Tuesday is sometimes called Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras.  It is the day before Lent begins.
We were able to travel to our parish church and participate in Ash Wednesday celebration.  

The students in my class were so excited to see the red light that was on in the sanctuary, letting us know that Jesus was present in the tabernacle.  After mass, we all went into the area so that we could see the tabernacle and the light.  That worked well because they had heard all about these important symbols the day before from Sister.

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