Wednesday 6 January 2016

Our Epiphany Assembly

A special BIG 'thank you' to the momma who took these great photos at our assembly this morning!
My missing camera has been found, but I can't retrieve it until my sister in law returns from Phoenix!
January 6th begins our season of Epiphany.  
Each student had a small part to play in our assembly, such as this boy who told us about what might be found in a Christmas gift given to his little brother.
We had a wise man bring a gift to Mary for baby Jesus.
For this month, each  assembly will focus on one or more saints.
We are trying to understand Pope Francis' words :  To be saints in not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone."
Each student read a bit of the story of the real Santa Claus, the story of St. Nicholas.
One little girl showed the students what Sait Nicholas may have looked like in the past.
Crossing my fingers that you'll be able to hear our sweet angels sing.

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