Sunday 1 November 2015

Wrapping up the October Fun!

These q-tip skeletons are always a class favourite.  Don't they look like they are dancing??
On Monday, each student will be bringing home their story that they wrote, which was based on the Great Big Enormous Turnip.  They loved finding out that the author Erica Silverman also told a story that was similar to the one that they wrote.  Parents, please follow the directions on the front sheet and return with your comments on Tuesday so that the stories can be added to the students' Evidence of Learning binders.
Zero the Hero missed us on Thursday!  When he showed up in class, we were all at swimming lessons, so he came on Friday, the 41st day of school.  

 He brought stickers to add to the spider's web. Because the ladies brought our hot lunch early, some of the students had to take home this fun activity to finish.
Look at these happy faces!

Our students had an amazingly good time at Kidz Quarterz on Friday afternoon.  By straw poll, they would love to go back again and they felt it was a wonderful way to spend their Halloween, being active with their friends in a safe environment!  Hope we can do it again next year!

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