Wednesday, 7 October 2015

October is here!

A HUGE thank you to all of the moms and dads who came out last night to our Grade Two Get Together night.  It was wonderful to share, discuss and plan as a group for your child's successful school year.  Just a reminder that these are the dates to put onto your calendar for October:
October 9 - PD (no school for children)
October 12 - Thanksgiving (no school for children)
October 14 - Field Trip to Prairie Garden Farms - leave school at 11:30 a.m. (two parents have volunteered, room for two more!)
October 22 and October 29 - swimming lessons in the afternoon
October 30 - Kidz Quarterz afternoon!

It is an important part of reading to learn how to search for information.
No, these aren't searching glasses! These cool specs. helped the students to see what a bee, a fly or another insect with compound eyes might see.
Look at all the information that the students were able to share both prior to reading with a partner and then again after reading together with a classmate. The students were using their new knowledge on how to read captions, search for new vocabulary and put information into their memory.
There have been a TON of requests for paperwork of you lately.
Here's what needs to be done asap:
1. Update data verification online as requested by Mrs. Roberts
2. Send back swimming information with level that your child should be registered in
3. Send back green permission paper for Prairie Garden Farms
4. Send back orange permission paper for Kidz Quarterz
5. Icon photography orders were sent home today, due on October 15
6. Tomorrow Mrs. Roberts has asked that teachers send home school fee sheets, please pay online (I think!)

I could add the children in my class!  God's special blessings to your family this Thanksgiving.

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