Sunday 20 September 2015

Literacy Bags come home!

This weekend was the first time the Grade Two students look home literacy bags.  The directions are not completely specific.  There are games in almost every bag along with a stuffed animal.  Sometimes there is a writing activity involved.  The point is to interact with the story as a family, instilling a love of the fun of reading!  Enjoy this special time, when families are all so busy.  Slow down and spend a half hour seeing the world through the eyes of your child.

There is a laminated sheet in each bag, listing all of the items found inside.  Please double check that everything is returned each Monday morning.

Our first birthday child! Congratulations!
One of the little gifts that I will give each child this year is the opportunity to order a book, up to a $5.00 value, from the Scholastic book clubs.  The children have suggested the when they receive the certificate, I should keep it so that it is ready for the next month's order.

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