Wednesday 9 September 2015

A.P.P.L.E. classroom

The Alberta Project Promoting active Living and healthy Eating (APPLE Schools) is helping to define effective ways to create healthy school communities in Alberta. 

Our Purpose: 

  1. To improve healthy living habits of students. 
  2. To increase knowledge about healthy living for parents, students, teachers and the school community. 
  3. To apply and sustain Comprehensive School Health in school communities.
  4. To sustain capacity for healthy environments in school communities.
Every morning, the students spend their recess running around, climbing on the playground equipment, and using the new equipment that each class was given for this school year.  
After recess, the students come inside and enjoy either a fruit or vegetable that has been packed in their lunch kits.  Please help your child learn that the 'healthy choice should be the easy choice.'  Ensure that there are apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, dragon fruit, carrots, snow peas, get the their lunch each and every day!
These happy, little faces are worth the effort!

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