Sunday 5 April 2015

I follow my Ukrainian and Polish roots as I bless food for Easter morning.  My dear friend Irka, shared with me how to create a butter lamb.  It is tradition to bless a paska, ham, sausage, cheese, green onion and eggs along with pussy willows, which signal spring.

Easter is God’s promise which His Son came to fulfill.
A promise of eternal life for all who see His Will.
Season of the budding trees, lilies in their glory,
The greening hills, the daffodils, the Holy Easter Story.
Easter is the joy of Spring, God’s gift and triumph, too.
Reminding us of Jesus’ love in which we’re born anew.
taken from our Religious Co-ordinator's Easter message to the staff of EICS.

May the blessings of Easter and the joy of the Resurrection bring us love,
hope and joy always.

School starts on Tuesday, bright and early at 8:45 a.m.

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