Sunday 22 February 2015

Shrove Tuesday

We were treated last Tuesday to a lovely lunch provided by the Parent Council.  The pancakes were large and fluffy and the students just ate them up and wanted seconds! 
We were blessed to have Father Jack, Mrs. Szott (trustee) and...
..the top banana (Mr. Hauptmann) all there to serve us!
Look at the concentration on all that delicious food!
The students know why we eat pancakes on the day before Lent begins.  Can your child tell you?
Thought you might like to see how we displayed all those 'love notes' that our students printed last Friday. Each was asked to write 'why' they loved Madonna Catholic School.
Here's my favourite!  It's the reason we exist!
When I read this one (from one of my students!!), I almost cried.
Looks like all those morning announcements are paying off!
Wonderful thoughts!
This is the display that was created after the Grade Two led assembly.

Tuesday we are encouraging all students to wear PINK as a sign of solidarity to stand up against bullying.

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