Monday, 2 February 2015

A Dreary Day Might Mean....Spring is on its Way!

I love that our newest little boy from way across the seas asked me after the children had written in their agendas last week "What is groundhog?"  How can you explain this long standing tradition to someone who has never heard about it?  You can't!  He needed to see it to believe it!  Here's the whole gang  with our paper version of the groundhog....also known as a woodchuck (trivia!)
He set out in the snow.....
...but there was NO shadow!
Could it be true? Could Spring be on it's way?
The children are going to track the weather for the next few weeks to see how accurate our little weather rodent really is!
Tonight there is a new Weekly Reading Form (found somewhere on the internet...sorry, don't know where) that the children will be using.  It moves the children into metacognition, which is thinking about thinking.  They are to fill this form in for a full week, so the literacy bags will be the fifth book for the week.  Please assist this week as it is new to us all.  The form is due on Monday, but there will only be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on this week's form because of Teacher's Convention on Thursday and Friday.

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