Thursday, 23 October 2014

Meet our friend Frankie!

We read a cute little book about a new boy at school, then made pictures of him.  His name was Frankie!
This was an activity where the students were given the necessary materials, watched and listened to the directions and then tried it on their own.  There were no tracers involved!

Once Frankie was made, we tried to describe him using adjectives.  Adjectives are the words that add interest to what we are talking or writing about.  They describe things we can touch or label.  Those words are nouns.  The students wrote their adjectives using their red pens (oh joy!) and the nouns with their pencils.

A mini version of Frankie (thanks to an American blogger who shared this cute pattern) came home tonight to add some interest to Read to Someone.  After reading, the students are to draw what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the book.  They can also challenge themselves and write a sentence as well for each section.
It's a wonder we got anything done with all the excitement of going to our first swimming lesson of the year.  Look at the happy faces!
Here's a little boy who hasn't taken lessons before!  I can't even put my face in the water and here he is doing it on the first lesson!  Congrats!

The students really enjoyed their time at the pool!

After the tragedy of losing a member of our military on home soil yesterday, I would like to encourage all of my little ones to consider wearing red on Fridays, starting tomorrow and continuing throughout November.  They may not know the sad reason, but just showing that we are proud to be Canadians is a fine thing to know!

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