Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Have you seen a turkey around here?

Thank you so much families, for taking this little project and elevating it to a new level of fun and creativity.  After the students heard the story of Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano, about a turkey who knew that he was destined to be invited to be part of Thanksgiving dinner, as the main course, this project was introduced.  In the story, the turkey uses disguises to avoid his fate.  The students were given turkeys to disguise and also they were asked to use the turkey's voice to describe how he would explain his new look.
It was the student's opportunity to stand up and share in front of their classmates.  The classmates listened closely to what the turkey said and then guessed what the turkey was actually disguised as.
The ideas ranged from....mad scientist
"army guy"
The students were so proud of their creations!

Tonight was the second Parent Council meeting of the school year and sadly, again quorum was not reached.  The rules state that there must be 8 parents attending in order for votes to be taken.  There were only 6.  Would you be willing to participate in this important part of our school community?  The meetings are about once every 6 weeks.  Many exciting projects are planned but it takes many hands for the work to get done.  Please consider coming out to the meeting planned for November!

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