Wednesday, 14 May 2014

"Ketsup" blog to "catch - up"!

Where does time go?  I can't believe that I have not written about our classroom for almost two weeks!  We certainly have been busy and have lots to share.  Last Monday, May 5, was Music Monday across Canada.  Classrooms were invited to learn a specific song and at a designated time, based on the time zone of the region you live in, the children went out to sing....basically uniting the entire country through song at the same time.  We were out near our playground and our music teacher led us in beautiful harmony!

It was a heart-warming moment!
Look at my gymnastics girl!  She was participating in her third competition and won ribbons and a medal!  Way to go!
Later that afternoon, we travelled to hear the symphony (told you it was Music Monday!) at the Winspear Centre.  The children had been studying the different types of instruments and had the opportunity to hear them featured in song.  This outing was organized specifically for grade school students so the conductor spoke about the music before each piece.

Our teeny tiny caterpillars who arrived on April 23 and were only .5 cm long have ballooned up to 4 cm in length and have created a cup full of frass! (Ask your kiddo what that is!)  The spin a silk button, stick their bottom onto it and hang upside down in a J shape.  That is a sign that they are ready to shed their exoskeleton one last time and begin their third stage....being a chrysalis.....
just like this....
Can you see the bristles on the exoskeleton?  Ask your child why a caterpillar would need bristles.
On Friday, May 9th, we went to our parish and with the other Gr. 3 class, celebrated mass.  The students were complimented on both their knowledge and their excellent behaviour by the adults at the mass.
We stayed after mass and also said the rosary.
I'll try to keep you all better informed, promise!

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